We love talking about the weather in this country, probably because we get so much of it, that’s part of being an island nation.

June heralds summer and, in a year that has seen anything but a typical start, we are looking forward to a proper Summer, one that needs a challenge to go with it!

We want you to embrace Summer, to engage with June as the beginning of that and we want you to focus on something you probably do regularly but may not have quite this level of focus on.

This is almost two challenges in one as we want you to challenge your family, friends, classmates and/or work colleagues to accept a photography challenge. Most of us carry a camera in our hand, pocket or bag all day long. We capture moments to a degree that has never been possible before.

If you have a conventional camera to hand, traditional film, polaroid or DSLR, amazing, you may have different lenses to experiment with. Seeing a shot, capturing it, is the biggest part of the battle and we all know that amazing photos are also captured on camera phones. Everything has its place and purpose.

The first key to good photography is to take the shot. Great photography involves much more and so let’s give you a focus to help create some great photographs.

We challenge you all to capture the essence of Summer, to capture what this month means, we would like you to capture the emotion that defines June for you.

If you do bring others together in this challenge then here’s some guidance to help get the most from what you do.

What is a Photo Challenge?

The goal is to inspire creativity, exploration, and personal expression. It’s an excellent way to see the world through different lenses, quite literally!

Set a timeframe for the challenge. A month-long challenge gives participants plenty of time to engage. Alternatively, a week-long challenge can be more intense and focused. You may choose a particular day to get your shot and limit it to that.

While flexibility is key, providing some guidelines helps participants know what to expect:

Number of photos to submit (e.g., one per day, one per week)
Submission method (e.g., social media posts, email) Any restrictions (e.g., no filters, must be taken during the challenge period)

Photography is hugely important to us at Graham John in our daily working life. It’s so important in our personal lives too and, looking back through the years, we’re so lucky to have captured amazing memories that keep providing pleasure.

This month’s challenge is about having fun now, it’s also about providing wonderful memories to look back on.

We’d love to see some of your shots if you’re happy to share them with us.


British Academy of Photography: The Basic Components Of A Good Photograph

Adobe: Tips on how to take better photos.

The Guardian: How to take great photos – tips from an award-winning photographer

National Geographic: Camera Tips and Tricks from National Geographic Photography Expert Jay Dickman

Canon: Getting started with photography

Digital camera World: 215 photography tips, video tutorials and techniques to take photos of anything

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