July in Britain brings us the Wimbledon Finals and Strawberries are synonymous with the event; at this iconic event, 1.92 million are consumed during two weeks!

We love seasonal produce and we adore strawberries. Childhood memories of ‘pick your own’ consumption still linger fondly.

They are good for providing vitamin C, other antioxidants, are a source of magnesium and may help manage some effects of Type 2 Diabetes. Moderation and a balanced diet are generally the watch words aren’t they. There are memories of returning home after being too greedy at the PYO.

We hope you are enjoying the tennis and strawberries as well (If you are reading this during Wimbledon try a Wimbledon Martini – adults only!). Strawberries and cream, strawberry ice cream, Eton Mess, just three of the ways most of us are used to thinking of eating strawberries. Our challenge this month is to find a new way to enjoy eating them; add a new dish to your repertoire; or a new drink!

Here’s some inspiration to get you started on your quest:

Victoria Sponge Loaf Cake 

Strawberry Tart

Strawberry Ice Cream

Strawberry and Basil Tart

Eton Mess

On the drink front:

Wimbledon Martini

Watermelon and Strawberry Slushie

Strawberry Lemonade

Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri

Enjoy the strawberries – responsibly, the search and do let us know of any new ‘favourite’  recipes you discover or old ones you go back to.

If strawberries aren’t your thing then there are plenty of other seasonal fruits to focus on at the moment. We’re tucking into local cherries with great gusto! How about a Limousin treat – Clafoutis anyone?

How to grow Strawberries (RHS Fruit) 

Health benefits of Strawberries


Cherry Clafoutis – Raymond Blanc


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