Graham John

Category: Blog (page 2 of 23)

After 38 years I’m still waiting!

Posted 23rd January 2024
'What is going to happen to property prices? Should I buy now or wait?' Those two questions are the ones most...

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Into 2024 A January ‘Make Life Special’ Challenge

Posted 31st December 2023

To watch a sunrise is an amazing experience and I never ever tire of how I feel when I do.

Each New Years...

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Advent Challenge 25: Funniest memory from the year? Ask each family member, perhaps even make a video of them all

Posted 25th December 2023

Merry Christmas!

Please have a fantastic day. It can be stressful, frustrating and tiring but it is a...

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Advent Challenge 24: Draw the kids a bubble bath by candlelight with Christmas tunes playing on the stereo

Posted 24th December 2023

Draw the kids a bubble bath!

I'm not going to go anywhere near telling you how to draw a bubble bath...

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Advent Challenge 23: Make some personal and family New Years goals

Posted 23rd December 2023

What will you do in 2024 to 'Make Life Special'?

I bet there is something about which you have said,...

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Advent Challenge 22: Choose your favourite photos for a family yearbook

Posted 22nd December 2023

How many photographs do you have on your phone?

How often do you properly look through your photos and...

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Advent Challenge 21: Have a funny Christmas photo shoot (80’s Christmas sweaters_!)

Posted 21st December 2023

When did Christmas jumpers become a thing?

Oh the 1980's! So much to answer for... What began innocently...

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Advent Challenge 20: Have a living room dance party to a fun Christmas album

Posted 20th December 2023

Everyone I know has a favourite Christmas Song  even if they don't let on.

I have lots of favourites. How...

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Advent Challenge 19: Say hello to a neighbour

Posted 19th December 2023

Where do I know that face from?

Have you ever been out somewhere, seen a face pass by perhaps with a...

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